safety films





We know that proper glassmaking was confirmed during the Neolithic Age, 7000 thousands years ago. The first recipe for the production of glass known to us and handed down to history was found in the library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal: "Take 60 parts of sand, 180 parts of dried seaweed powder and five parts of plaster”. The recipe is still valid today and glass is still one of the most on trend material. 

By the beginning of the 1900 century, when the idea of a continuum between interior and exterior was something aimed and not avoid, glass has began to play a primary role in architecture. Glass is for sure an high performing material: preserve transparency and natural light, is hard enough to be use as structural elements such as flooring, stairs, stair handles, facades and interior partitions.  It’s easy to clean, sustainable… practically perfect. Except that is fragile

If broken, it might be dangerous and for this very specific reason, the industry has developed several solutions to turn it safer. From PVC films that might be melted inside glass plates to safety films that might be applied on one or both sides making glass more secure and resistant. These solutions also solve the safety of antique glass, which must comply with current regulations, but whose replacement would be a shame.

As for solar films, these are very specific products, that must be chosen with attention and competence so to answer correctly to every needs.

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