Privacy is a very important aspect in the perception that each of us has of the space in which we live or work. For this reason, screens are sometimes used that partially or completely prevent visibility through glass surfaces. The sandblasting and / or frosted effect films allow at any time and at a decidedly lower cost, to transform (in a reversible way) any transparent surface. The variety is wide, both in terms of transparency / opacity, and in terms of color shades: from milky white to shades of gray and golden. They can be applied both inside and outside and, since they are made of vinyl material, they are easily carved and also suitable for slightly curved surfaces. They have a warranty of up to 15 years and can be removed at any time, restoring the glass to its original transparency.
They are also suitable for acrylic and polycarbonate surfaces. The application is carried out "with water" ie wetting the glass before applying the film and once laid, the film dries completely in 48 hours.
Like many films, those dedicated to glass surfaces require application expertise, which only certified applicators can guarantee.